Know Your GST State Code List
Know Your State Code
Taxpayers/businesses registered under the GST.
A GST Identification Number is a unique 15-digit number given to registered taxpayers under GST. The first two digits of the GSTIN represent the state code. Below is a list of valid GST state codes and their Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Taxpayers/businesses registered under GST will receive a 15-digit alphanumeric unique identification number. The code shown on the certificate of registration is called the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN). The GSTIN code represents the place of origin, PAN number and nature of business, etc. First, the two digits of GSTIN represent the state code. State codes help identify a business entity’s location and region of business.
List of GST state codes
Below is a list of GST state codes. There are also alphabetical codes.
State Code | State | Alpha Code |
1 | Jammu and Kashmir | JK |
2 | Himachal Pradesh | HP |
3 | Punjab | PB |
4 | Chandigarh | CH |
5 | Uttarakhand | UA |
6 | Haryana | HR |
7 | Delhi | DL |
8 | Rajasthan | RJ |
9 | Uttar Pradesh | UP |
10 | Bihar | BR |
11 | Sikkim | SK |
12 | Arunachal Pradesh | AR |
13 | Nagaland | NL |
14 | Manipur | MN |
15 | Mizoram | MZ |
16 | Tripura | TR |
17 | Meghalaya | ML |
18 | Assam | AS |
19 | West Bengal | WB |
20 | Jharkhand | JH |
21 | Odisha | OR |
22 | Chhattisgarh | CG |
23 | Madhya Pradesh | MP |
24 | Gujarat | GJ |
25 | Daman and Diu | DD |
26 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | DN |
27 | Maharashtra | MH |
29 | Karnataka | KA |
30 | Goa | GA |
31 | Lakshadweep | LD |
32 | Kerala | KL |
33 | Tamil Nadu | TN |
34 | Puducherry | PY |
35 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | AN |
36 | Telangana | TS |
37 | Andhra Pradesh | AP |
38 | Ladakh | LA |
96 | Foreign Country | FC |
97 | Other Territory | OT |